Hyperproperties are a general framework to reason about properties requiring comparing multiple system executions, like security properties or robustness requirements. In this workshop, we want to bring together practitioners from different backgrounds with theoreticians developing frameworks for specifying hyperproperties.
This workshop will focus on the recent developments in hyperproperties verification over systems in which executions are not aligned, called asynchronous hyperproperties. The workshop format will emphasise open discussions and promote the interchange of ideas between different communities.

Keynote speakers

Call for talks

The workshop welcomes discussions on a variety of topics, including but not limited to:

Proposals for presentations must be submitted as an extended abstract via easychair, https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=ahyper2024, until the 28th of April3rd of May.
Submitted proposals can overlap with previously published material and will be evaluated based on their pertinence to the workshop's theme and goal.
